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Főoldal » 2015 » Szeptember » 07
06 Sept 2015
ANF - Kobanê
Edited by Kurdish Question
Military forces affiliated to the People's Protection Units (YPG) Kobanê Command have organized a conference on the resistance in the Kobanê region, held under the slogan “Let’s re-organise on the basis of the Kobanê resistance and lead the building of a democratic Syria”.
215 delegates participated in the conference held by YPG Kobanê Command between August 23 and September 1,which exclusively discussed the political, military and organisational dimensions of the resistance; reaching important decisions.
The final resolution of the conference has been released on YPG's official website, which said "the victory of the Kobanê resistance has become the basis for sowing and making invincible the Rojava revolution. At the same time, it has been a significant st
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STRIJD TEGEN IS IS heeft naar eigen zeggen al "duizenden jihadisten" Europa binnengesmokkeld. De strijders mengden zich 'anoniem' tussen de duizenden onschuldige vluchtelingen die naar West-Europese landen trokken. Een smokkelaar die in dienst van de extremisten werkt, stelt dat de operatie die nog altijd volop aan de gang is, "een compleet succes is."
Hij sprak met de Amerikaanse website Buzzfeed en waarschuwde glimlachend als volgt: "Wacht maar." IS stuurt haar strijders langs de slecht bewaakte Turkse grens richting onze contreien. Intussen heeft de extremistische moslimgroepering al 4.000 strijders "gevechtsklaar" in Europa gestationeerd, beweert de spilfiguur die anoniem wilde blijven. De strijders zijn uit op revanche voor de luchtaanvallen die uitgevoerd worden onder leiding van de Amerikanen. "Als ze ons aanvallen, dan sla
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An Iraqi woman has reportedly killed an Islamic State (Isis) militant commander Abu Anas. She allegedly killed Anas three months after he forced her to marry his militant comrades.
Saeed Mamouzini, spokesman for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Mosul, told the al-Sumaria TV network that the woman killed the terrorist, know as Abu Anas, in Tal Roman district, west of the IS-held city of Mosul. The report comes two days after IS militants brought non-Iraqi women to Mosul as sex slaves, following an order by Ibrahim al-Samarrai (aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), the regional IS leader.
Hana Nawafili, a spokeswoman for the Iraqi Observatory for the Defence of Battered Women, told Arabic-language al-Maalomah news agency on 18 July that IS terrorists had gang-raped seven female residents of Fallujah, situated about 69km (43 miles) west of Baghdad, and then murdered them.
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